Teamspeak amateur radio interface

Teamspeak Amateur Radio Interface

at Software Informer
SuperControl Amateur Radio CAT Software

A CAT control program developed for radio transceivers.

MarkV Field amateur radio transceivers. Full

See non-reviewed teamspeak amateur radio interface software
More Teamspeak Amateur Radio Interface
Teamspeak Amateur Radio Interface in introduction
Ham Radio Deluxe
78  Ham Radio Deluxe, LLC.  7,156  Shareware
Control your transceiver using its built-in computer aided control interface.
Radio Amateur Callbook
2  Radio Amateur Callbook  264  Commercial
It contains the call sign and address information of the Amateurs Radio stations.
518  TeamSpeak Systems GmbH  411,882  Freeware
Talk to other users using the voice-over-IP protocol.
55 Ltd.  1,172  Freeware is a Windows console for Software Defined Radio (SDR) receivers.
Radio Dum Dum
1  Radio Dum Dum  5  Freeware
Radio Dum Dum is a program to listen to Radio Dum Dum through the Internet.
Radio Toolbox
9  Radio Toolbox, LLC  443  Freeware
It is designed for your SHOUTcast, Steamcast, Windows Media or Icecast2 stream.
Additional titles, containing teamspeak amateur radio interface
 W1HKJ  7  Freeware
flqrz is an interface to the QRZ cdrom amateur radio callsign database.
Radio Mobile
41  Roger Coudé VE2DBE  1,310  Freeware
Radio Mobile is dedicated to amateur radio and humanitarian use.
32  JE3HHT - Makoto Mori  3,204  Freeware
An amateur radio application for those interested in radio techniques.
16  Copyright Paul Davies M0ZPD  43  Shareware
Designed for Radio enthusiasts for linking Amateur Radio RF gateways and repeaters via the Internet....
57  Synergenics, LLC  6,623  Freeware
It allows licensed Amateur Radio stations to communicate with one another.
18  Bob Furzer  1,544  Freeware
A logging program developed to be a general purpose amateur radio logbook.
10  Makoto Mori, JE3HHT  1,674  Freeware
Allows a computer to work with an amateur radio transceiver.
1  ARRL  171  Open source
Open source utilities to support using digital signatures for Amateur radio.
13  Alex Shovkoplyas, VE3NEA  495  Freeware
Ham CAP is a free HF propagation prediction tool for Amateur Radio.
16  Princeton University  467  Open source
A program designed for weak-signal digital communication by amateur radio.