Ubuntu pass through microphone

Ubuntu Pass Through Microphone

at Software Informer
Microphone Pass-through (Playback) Emulator

This tiny utility will emulate the pass-through playback from a mic to speakers.

Microphone Pass-through (Playback) ... emulate the pass-through ... will pass the input from a microphone

226  Canonical Group Limited  24,140  Freeware
Uses Ubuntu Terminal and run Ubuntu command line utilities including bash.
Ubuntu Live USB Imager
2  phatWares  36  Freeware
Very handy tool to create a Live Ubuntu boot image on any USB device.
See non-reviewed ubuntu pass through microphone software
More Ubuntu Pass Through Microphone
Ubuntu Pass Through Microphone in introduction
5  Softdiv Software Sdn Bhd  709  Shareware
Record, edit, add audio effects and mix your digital audio files.
Audio MP3 Editor
4  Audio2x.com  1,236  Shareware
Full-featured audio editing tool suitable for MP3 and other audio file formats.
Free Sound Recorder
103  FreeAudioVideo Software  26,532  Freeware
Records any sounds that you can hear played by your computer.
Perfect Sound Recorder
9  Perfect Sound Recorder  743  Shareware
Perfect Sound Recorder is a professional sound recorder...
Free Audio Editor
17  FAEMedia, LLC  9,854  Freeware
Record and edit audio coming through the sound card.
All Sound Recorder
4  sellanywhere  113
All Sound Recorder XP is a All-in-one Audio Recorder and Sound editor software.
Additional titles, containing ubuntu pass through microphone
Ubuntu One
8  Canonical Ltd.  719  Open source
Ubuntu One allows you to store and share files in the Ubuntu One cloud storage.
VISCOM Audio Capture Pro ActiveX SDK
 Viscom Software  Shareware
Audio Record, Capture from Microphone, Audio Mixing Microphone with speaker.
13  Microchip Technology  1,026  Freeware
It allows you to design low pass, high pass, and band pass filters.
FabFilter Simplon VST
 FabFilter Software Instruments  3  Shareware
FabFilter Simplon has two multimode filters, low-pass, high-pass and band-pass.
Noisebud Filter
2  Noisebud  55  Freeware
Four filters that they are switchable between Lo pass, hi pass, band pass & more.
 Ubuntu  31  Freeware
Mythbuntu is a community supported add-on for Ubuntu.
38  Hacktolive  14  Freeware
cd2usb by hacktolive is a windows program, designed to make Live USBs of Ubuntu.
CASLab Linux
2  Queen's University  6  Freeware
CASLab Linux is a computer operating system based on the Ubuntu.
1  Lubuntu  169  Open source
Lubuntu is a flavor of Ubuntu based on the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment.
Discover Ubuntu - Ubuntu Commercial - Video đã phát trên - VTV.VN
 http://movies.wikia.com/wiki/Bad_Men_of_the_Hills/  1
Install Ubuntu desktop Ubuntu tutorials
 Install Ubuntu desktop _ Ubuntu tutorials  1