Unix learner test

Unix Learner Test

at Software Informer
Microsoft Windows Services for UNIX

Self-extracting archive of the Windows Services for UNIX product.

UNIX product. Windows Services for UNIX ... their existing UNIX-based environments

Spotlight on Unix
3  Quest Software, Inc.  11  Demo
With Spotlight, you can identify congested areas of a network.
See non-reviewed unix learner test software
More Unix Learner Test
Unix Learner Test in introduction
Forex Tester
27  Forex Tester Software Inc.  1,709  Shareware
Simulate trading in the Forex market for learning and strategy testing.
UnixEd ExamGear
 UnixEd  2  Freeware
With UnixEd ExamGear, you can test yourself by having an simulated exam.
Boson UNIX Tests
 Boson Software, Inc.  1  Shareware
This practice test contains 200+ questions to help the student prepare for Linux or Solaris Unix cer....
Learn Typing Quick & Easy
318  Individual Software Incorporated  5,012  Shareware
Helps users learn or improve their keyboard typing.
Daypo Online Tests
1  Daypo  21  Freeware
Create online tests easily and publish them for free with this simple program.
Literacy Level 1 Test N
 Learning and Skills Improvement Service  9  Freeware
It is a tool which prepares for the National Tests in Adult Literacy.
Driving Theory Test
3  Oasis Softwares Ltd.  236  Shareware
This is a driving theory test software for car, bike learner drivers.
Driving Theory Test Professional
2  Oasis Softwares Ltd.  199  Shareware
Easy straightforward driving theory test software for car, bike learner drivers.
Additional titles, containing unix learner test
48  Rudenko Software  24  Freeware
Windows telnet client specialized for use with Unix shell. It shows Unix files and folders in Window....
Kiwi's Syslog Daemon
41  Kiwi Enterprises  1  Freeware
A Windows version of the Unix Syslog Daemon that receives, logs, displays and forwards Unix type Sys....
Grammar Expert Plus
21  Wintertree Software Inc.  918  Shareware
Grammar Expert Plus is a very useful tool for English learner & professionals.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
74  Mozilla, Netscape  171  Commercial
It is the world's best-selling advanced learner's dictionary.
Cambridge Dictionary of American English - 2nd Edition
16  Cambridge University Press  113  Commercial
The best learner's dictionary is even better for PC & Mac.
Initial Assessment
1  bksb  12  Demo
It provides a clear indication of a learner’s English and mathematics level.
CAMI Literacy
 CAMI Education (Pty) Ltd  171  Commercial
CAMI Literacy is designed for the learner who works at his/ her own pace.