Urdu scrolling news making software

Urdu Scrolling News Making Software

at Software Informer
News desktop scrolling bar

See the tv news titles on your desktop with a very small text scrolling bar.

the TV news (top stories ... / games/ world / news/ health/ technology ... small text scrolling bar. You

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More Urdu Scrolling News Making Software
Urdu Scrolling News Making Software in introduction
Wordinn English to Urdu Dictionary
80  Wordinn  8,493  Freeware
Free application for translating Urdu into English and vice versa.
CRULP Urdu Phonetic
13  Center for Research in Urdu Language Processing (CRULP)  8,184  Freeware
Urdu is a rich language with a multilingual and multi cultural heritage.
Sothink JavaScript Web Scroller
80  SourceTec Software Co., Ltd.  295  Shareware
Sothink JavaScript Web Scroller is a program that creates web scroller.
Scrolling Game Development Kit
2  Benjamin Marty  52  Open source
A comprehensive open-source tool to create your own 2-D animated games.
MyYahoo! News Ticker
1  Yahoo!  1  Freeware
It's a scrolling news ticker that delivers timely information on stocks, news, sports scores, and we....
Eyewitness News Alert
 BIA Information Network  Freeware
An application with breaking weather warnings and news on your desktop.
49  Riada International Pty. Ltd.  1
java ticker, free animated text marquee, scrolling news applet maker.
Urdu InPage Pro 2010
276  Concept Software  10  Shareware
InPage is an industry standard Page Making software for Urdu.
62  Thibaud DJIAN  7  Freeware
Free skinnable e-mail/news notification tool. Between2 checks for e-mails, a scrolling text brings n....
News Ticker Application Bar
1  Ashkon Technology LLC  4  Shareware
View the latest news headlines scrolling across your desktop.
Major League Gaming Browser Theme
 majorleaguegaming  3  Freeware
Scrolling headlines and alerts with built in MLG news reader.
Additional titles, containing urdu scrolling news making software
3  Summitsoft Ltd  4  Shareware
Urdu Editor allows you to use your existing keyboard to type Urdu easily.
PDMS UrduEmail
1  Pakistan Data Management Services  1  Commercial
PDMS Urdu Email is what you see is what you get Urdu software.
SenseQuiet Urdu Lughat
2  SenseQuiet Technologies  64  Shareware
SenseQuiet Urdu Lughat is a bidirectional dictionary of English and Urdu.
3  Kashif Aqeel  24  Freeware
Urdu Dictionary is a Urdu spell checker for FireFox.