Vbscript simple installer framework

Vbscript Simple Installer Framework

at Software Informer
PalmVista Simple Installer

Palm Quick Installer will not work with Vista, but this program will.

PalmVista Simple Installer allows you to install files

Qt Installer Framework
2  Qt Project  167  Open source
It provides a set of tools to create installers for the Qt platforms.
See non-reviewed vbscript simple installer framework software
More Vbscript Simple Installer Framework
Vbscript Simple Installer Framework in introduction
Microsoft .NET Framework
185  Microsoft  207,518  Freeware
Install runtime packages for applications designed with .NET Framework.
Metasploit Framework
12  Metasploit LLC  311  Open source
The Metasploit® Framework is a free, open source penetration testing solution.
3  Niall Gallagher  5,713  Freeware
A high performance XML serialization and configuration framework for Java.
Smart Install Maker
31  InstallBuilders Company  8,083  Shareware
Smart Install Maker is an installation wizard creation tool.
Actual Installer
18  Softeza Development  1,119  Shareware
Create installation programs for your Windows applications.
Speed Install
19  Almeza Company  1,236  Freeware
Speed Install installs any application you need with just one click.
Additional titles, containing vbscript simple installer framework
1  Scott Ludwig  611  Freeware
An application that creates a simple installer .exe. from different files.
 Petr Baudis  5  Freeware
A simple modular framework for programs playing the game of Go/Weiqi/Baduk.
Selenium Basic
15  Florent BREHERET  1,269  Open source
Seleniumbasic is a browser automation framework for VB.Net, VBA and VBScript.
Metrolyrics Icon Installer
 Iconomize.com  13  Freeware
Metrolyrics Icon Installer simple icon that redirects you to your site.
Systems Biology Workbench
2  KGI  95  Open source
SBW is a simple framework for application intercommunications.
 IeUnit Team  6  Open source
IeUnit is a simple framework to test logical behaviors of web pages.
Microsoft Exception Management Application Block
 Microsoft Corporation  17  Freeware
Provides a simple yet extensible framework for handling exceptions.
 Pär Spjuth  7  Open source
This program is a simple test-harness framework utility.