Vbscript watch folder new files

Vbscript Watch Folder New Files

at Software Informer
Folder Watch

It will automatically make a backup copy and place it in a designated folder.

, Folder Watch guards your files all ... the time. Folder Watch ... My Documents' folder, etc.

Stunnix VBScript Obfuscator
1  Stunnix  14  Demo
Protects your code in VBScript files from illegal reuse and IP theft.
VBScript Maker
4  Zaplots Games, Inc.  38  Freeware
A handy and easy to use application that allows you to create VBScripts.
See non-reviewed vbscript watch folder new files software
More Vbscript Watch Folder New Files
Vbscript Watch Folder New Files in introduction
Watch 4 Folder
37  LeeLu Soft  61  Freeware
It is a neat folder monitoring and automation utility.
Always Watching
50  Liquid Mirror Enterprises
Allows you to watch any folder on your file system or network for changes.
Easy Folder Security
1  DD-soft.com Creative Solutions
Easy File and Folder Watcher lets you watch monitors activity.
Free Webcam Watcher Full
12  Free Software Downloads  255  Freeware
Free Webcam Watcher Full will allow you to watch several webcams at once.
Titan Folder Watcher
73  Titan Consulting Group, Inc.  1  Shareware
This program watches specified folders and takes actions if changes occur.
Watch This
82  Mi4 Corporation  19  Freeware
Monitor a folder or a set of folders and notify their owners of any changes.
Total Folder Monitor
1  Helmsman, Inc.  35  Shareware
Total Folder Monitor will watch your folder and in case a new file is added.
 Oscar Creation  Shareware
watch ( on viewer, image list in folder ),convert,image search,trim,color tone,manage,...
Additional titles, containing vbscript watch folder new files
Kattack Race Player II
 Kattack  2  Freeware
Watch your races, watch your friends races, watch races around the world.
Adersoft VbsEdit
6  Adersoft  34  Shareware
VBScript editor that dramatically reduces the time you spend writing .VBS script.
81  MyGeneration Software  213
MyGeneration generates code from templates in C#, VB.NET, JScript, and VBScript.
1  AbyssMedia.com  375  Shareware
Turn JScript and VBScript into standalone executables (EXE files).
XLnow OnScript
54  XLnow  25
VBScript editor & integrated tool for writing and running scripts on Windows.
4  IEInspector Software  19
AxScripter is an Active script debugger, including Vbscript and Javascript.
 (c) Aslak & Per  6  Freeware
An extremely powerful and FREE mud client. It currenctly supports VBScript for scripting and Regular....
Webpage Guard
 AEZSoft,Inc  4  Shareware
Encrypt HTML source code, JavaScript, VBscript, etc. Protect Web pages.