Voice pitch python

Voice Pitch Python

at Software Informer
Python python-libtorrent-0.15.0

A Cbittorrent library designed to run on anything from embedded systems.

comes with python bindings and

Python MySQL-python-1.2.3
 Andy Dustman  374  Freeware
Python MySQL it is a easy-to-use database tool based on api keys.
Python python-libtorrent-0.14.12
 Arvid Norberg  Freeware
libtorrent is a feature complete C++ bittorrent implementation.
Python libxml2-python-2.7.7
6  Daniel Veillard  76  Freeware
Windows binaries for the libxml and libxslt python bindings.
See non-reviewed voice pitch python software
More Voice Pitch Python
Voice Pitch Python in introduction
Funny Voice
9  Alexander Sabov  1,399  Adware
Change the pitch of your voice in real time with the possibility of recording.
Voice Changer
30  AthTek Software  2,444  Freeware
It lets you change voice pitches and audio playback speeds of sound files.
Free Voice Changer
2  CONVERT AUDIO FREE  159  Freeware
It is a program that can change the voice pitch of an audio file.
Skype Voice Changer
18  AthTek Software  2,454  Shareware
Change your voice pitch and send out cute sound emotions in Skype call.
Voice Changer for VOIP
12  RSkype  193  Freeware
It can change your voice pitch to be male or female.
Clownfish Voice Changer
6  Bogdan Sharkov  27,469  Freeware
Apply effects and make your voice sound differently.
AthTek Free Voice Changer
15  AthTek Software  4  Freeware
Free Voice Changer which can turn the voice pitch up and down in 24 semitones.
Elevayta Choir Boy VST
1  Paul R. Harvey,Elevayta  44  Shareware
Choir Boy is a real-time multi-voice pitch shifting plug-in.
 Micro Technology Unlimited  24  Shareware
Keyrite is a sofware tool that changes your voice pitch for your personal songs.
66  AlgorithmsAndDatastructures, F. Rudin  5  Demo
Learn to take over a pitch to your voice. Produce the same pitch with precision.
Voice Tweaker
2  Xponaut  228  Shareware
The Voice Tweaker plug-in is a harmonic pitch transposer.
Antares Auto-Tune Evo VST
71  Antares Audio Technologies  9,942  Shareware
AutoTune Evo corrects the pitch of a voice or solo instrument without distortion.
Cantovation Sing & See
 Cantovation Ltd  156  Shareware
The program produces graphs that relate to the pitch of a singer's voice.
Additional titles, containing voice pitch python
Pitch Train
1  None  12  Shareware
Pitch Train is for learning perfect pitch. The user selects notes to be used for quizzing, and Pitch....
Hearing Range Checker
61  Mu-tech Co., LTD  13  Freeware
It checks your ability of hearing high pitch sound and low pitch sound.