Windows 7 dll registration utility

Windows 7 Dll Registration Utility

at Software Informer
EMSA Register Dll Tool

EMSA Register Dll Tool offers information about dll, ocx and exe files.

EMSA Register Dll Tool is a ... information about dll, ocx and ... for registration of ActiveX dll, ocx

See non-reviewed windows 7 dll registration utility software
More Windows 7 Dll Registration Utility
Windows 7 Dll Registration Utility in introduction
DLL Show
47  Gregory Braun Software Design  129  Shareware
It displays a list of all running processes and their DLL dependencies.
Diplodock Registrator II
 Diplodock  Commercial
This program is a solution for quick registration of system files.
 Taxcom  5  Shareware
Small and effective program for registering lots of dll-s and ocx-s.
Sony Utilities DLL
15  Sony Corporation  3,064  Freeware
Dll Orphans
2  Camtech 2000  44  Freeware
Dll Orphans is a useful utility to remove the DLL files entries in the registry.
Additional titles, containing windows 7 dll registration utility
TM Icon Extractor
59  TM Services  16  Freeware
Free utility that can grab icons from *.exe- and *.dll files.
Icon Snatcher
2  Creative Design Interactive  47  Freeware
A free 32-bit utility that can extract icon files from any .exe, .dll, or any other type of file tha....
1  MarcoSoft  3  Freeware
A small utility to rip icons from executables and DLL's and save them as regular .ico files. It's ve....
75  NirSoft  8  Freeware
It is a utility that displays the list of all registered dll/ocx/exe files.
1  Stefan Cruysberghs  6  Shareware
Picto is an utility to view and edit BMP, JPG, ICO, CUR-files and extract icons from ANI, DLL, EXE...
93  NirSoft  6  Freeware
It is a small utility that scans dll/ocx/exe files and extract all resources.
 Anthony ZANETTI  Freeware
TasksKiller is an utility that display processes from EXE or DLL files. You can kill a process, a ta....
 NirSoft  2  Freeware
It is a small utility that scan dll/exe files of .NET applications.
AnalogX DLLArchive
1  AnalogX, LLC.  602  Freeware
AnalogX DLLArchive is a system utility that helps you manage DLL files.
ESRI API Evaluator
 Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.  3  Freeware
This utility scans exe or dll files of your choosing.