Winsuite webui

Winsuite Webui

at Software Informer
Remote Torrent Adder

An extension that allows you to add torrents using several programs' WebUIs.

several programs' WebUIs. This extension ... to the WebUIs, but downloads

SpringSys WinSuite
 SpringSys  58  Freeware
Add labels, skin buttons, form shaping, tabs and more to your .NET applications.
See non-reviewed winsuite webui software
More Winsuite Webui
Winsuite Webui in introduction
 Thomas Dressen  375  Open source
uTorrentMC provides a Vista Media Center interface to uTorrents WebUI.
ComponentArt Web.UI for ASP.NET AJAX
 ComponentArt  12  Shareware
The finest line of business and visualization control for ASP.NET AJAX.
Jaguar SX Web UI
 ByteSphere Technologies LLC  Shareware
Uses a combination of patent-pending software engines to collect and analyze.
uController Service
 David Gordon  3  Freeware
uController is a application that allow you to control your torrents remotely.
SafeSquid SWG
 SafeSquid Labs  18  Freeware
Proxy,Content Filter,SecureWeb Filter,Application Firewall,Antivirus,SSL.
Wondershare WinSuite 2012
31  Wondershare Software Co., Ltd.  26
Intersoft WebUI.NET Framework SP1
 Intersoft Solutions Corp.